read the following sentences from the novel the Watsons go to Birmingham - 1963

I felt like someone had pulled my teeth out with a pair of rusty pliers. I wanted to knock on his door and tell him "I am different" but I was too embarrassed so I walked the dinosaurs back home. I couldn't believe how sad I got.
use the passage to answer the question choose all that apply which type of conflict is illustrated in the sentence above
A. character vs. self **
B. Character vs. nature**
C. Character vs. society
D. Character vs. character

The type of conflicts illustrated in the given passage are:

A. Character vs. self: This is evident in the line "I felt like someone had pulled my teeth out with a pair of rusty pliers." The protagonist is struggling with his own emotions and feelings of embarrassment.

B. Character vs. nature: This is portrayed when the protagonist states, "I walked the dinosaurs back home." The mention of dinosaurs indicates that the conflict is against the natural world or environment.

Therefore, the correct answers are A. Character vs. self and B. Character vs. nature.

The passage from the novel "The Watsons go to Birmingham - 1963" depicts a character experiencing inner conflict. The main character expresses feelings of embarrassment and sadness, indicating a struggle within themselves. Therefore, the correct answer to the question would be A. Character vs. self. Additionally, there is no explicit evidence of a conflict with nature (B), society (C), or another character (D).

Definitely, one of the correct answers is A.

I don't see the character confronting nature, though. Which of the other two do you think is correct?