Hey i am a conexus student and I was wondering if i could get some help on this question

Express 2.65 as a mixed number in lowest terms.

Selections are
A. 2 and 13/20
B. 2 and 49/100
C. 2 and 9/200
D. 2 and 2/5

I thinks its D. Thank u to anybody that helps me :)

Only use these answers to check your work, please. The answers for the fractions and decimals quick check are:

1. Express 5/8 as a decimal.
Answer: 0.625

2. Express 1 1/20 as a decimal
Answer: 1.05

3. Express 2.65 as a mixed number
Answer: 2 13/20

4. Order the set of numbers from least to greatest. 11/20; 1/2; 0.51
Answer: 50/100; 51/100; 55/100 and 1/2; 0.51; 11/20

5. Order the set of numbers from least to greatest. 1/3; 1 1/4; 0.27; 1.35
Answer: 0.27; 1/3; 1 1/4; 1.35

I did the work by myself and referred back to my lessons to help me. I got a %100 using these answers. Trust me. Your welcome everyone.

2.65 = 2 65/100 = 2 13/20

2 2/5 = 2 40/100 = 2.40

Hi everyone! I think The correct answer is: A. If its not, I'm sorry. Have a great Day 🌞😎/ Night 🌑🌙.

I was looking for the answer too and im a conexus student

To express 2.65 as a mixed number, you need to convert the decimal part into a fraction. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Write down the whole number part of the decimal, which in this case is 2.

Step 2: To convert the decimal part into a fraction, count the number of decimal places. In this case, there are two decimal places (65).

Step 3: Write the decimal part as the numerator of the fraction, and the denominator is determined by the number of decimal places. For two decimal places, the denominator is 100 (since there are two zeros).

Step 4: Simplify the fraction to lowest terms, if possible. In this case, the fraction 65/100 can be simplified by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5, resulting in 13/20.

Step 5: Combine the whole number part and the fraction. In this case, the mixed number is 2 and 13/20, represented as 2 13/20.

Now let's compare the options:

A. 2 and 13/20: This option matches the mixed number we obtained.

B. 2 and 49/100: This fraction is different from what we obtained, so it is not the correct answer.

C. 2 and 9/200: This fraction is different from what we obtained, so it is not the correct answer.

D. 2 and 2/5: This fraction is different from what we obtained, so it is not the correct answer.

After comparing the options, it seems that option A, 2 and 13/20, matches our calculated mixed number. Therefore, the correct answer is A.