How does scarcity affect customers?

A Limited wants and needs limit customers to small purchases.
B Limited time prevents customers from making decisions.
C Limited numbers of producers force customers to be loyal.
D Limited money forces consumers to make choices.

Please help i have been stuck on this question for a good while now

Then what are you doing here? They aren't asking for answers they are asking for help.

Scarcity in product most likely

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To determine how scarcity affects customers, let's analyze each option one by one:

A. Limited wants and needs limit customers to small purchases.
When customers face scarcity, their wants and needs might be limited due to the availability of goods and services. This can lead customers to make smaller purchases since they have fewer options to choose from. For example, if there is a shortage of a particular product, customers may only be able to buy limited quantities or smaller sizes, therefore limiting their purchases.

B. Limited time prevents customers from making decisions.
While limited time can influence customer decision-making, it is not specifically related to scarcity. Limited time would typically result in customers feeling rushed or pressured to make a decision, but it doesn't directly stem from scarce resources or availability of products. Therefore, option B does not accurately reflect how scarcity affects customers.

C. Limited numbers of producers force customers to be loyal.
When there are limited numbers of producers in a market, customers may have no choice but to be loyal to a specific producer or brand. This loyalty could be due to the scarcity of alternatives, making it difficult for customers to switch to other options. However, this option talks about customer loyalty rather than directly addressing how scarcity affects customers. So, option C is not the best answer.

D. Limited money forces consumers to make choices.
Scarcity of money is a common situation faced by customers. When customers have limited financial resources, they must make choices and prioritize their spending. This means they may have to forgo certain wants or needs due to their restricted budget. So, option D accurately reflects how scarcity affects customers.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D: Limited money forces consumers to make choices.

Scarcity in what?

Scarcity of money? (A mom who needs to buy groceries, for example, but doesn't have enough money for everything she needs?)
Scarcity of things to buy? (A store with lots of empty shelves?)
Scarcity of time? (A dad has only 30 minutes to shop, get groceries home, and get back to work? What does he decide not to do?)
Scarcity of companies to make and sell things people want to buy? (Not enough factories or farmers or ... ?)

The test isn't event that hard. PLUS no one going to give you 28 answers,

so stop wasting your time and JUST DO IT.