I have to describe my day in several different tenses. Please help!

Hoy fue un largo día. No comí el desayuno esta mañana porque tuve que apresurarse a un examen. Creo que lo hice bien en él. Luego fui a almorzar con mis amigos. Después de que llegué a casa, estudié para este examen hasta ahora. Espero que terminaré temprano porque me he preparado. Iré a una fiesta de cumpleaños a las diez en punto de esta noche. Nos divertiremos mucho. Mis amigos me preguntaron si iría a los bares después. Dije que no porque tengo que despertar temprano para el trabajo.

Thank you!

Today was a long day. I didn't eat breakfast this morning because I had to rush to an exam. I think I did well in it. Then I went to have lunch with my friends. After I got home, I studied for this exam until now. I hope I will finish early because I have prepared. I will go to a birthday party at ten o'clock tonight. We will have a lot of fun. My friends asked me if I would go to the bars afterward. I said no because I have to wake up early for work.

To describe your day in several different tenses, here are the translations of each sentence in the provided paragraph:

1. Today was a long day. (Past tense - Pretérito indefinido)

2. I didn't eat breakfast this morning because I had to rush to an exam. (Past tense - Pretérito perfecto simple)

3. I think I did well in it. (Present tense - Presente simple)

4. Then I went to have lunch with my friends. (Past tense - Pretérito perfecto simple)

5. After I got home, I studied for this exam until now. (Past tense - Pretérito perfecto simple)

6. I hope I will finish early because I have prepared. (Future tense - Futuro simple)

7. I will go to a birthday party at ten o'clock tonight. (Future tense - Futuro simple)

8. We will have a lot of fun. (Future tense - Futuro simple)

9. My friends asked me if I would go to the bars afterwards. (Conditional tense - Condicional simple)

10. I said no because I have to wake up early for work. (Present tense - Presente simple)

With these translations, you can see how your day can be described in different tenses.