Which expression is equivalent to (4x + 7y) + 5z?

A) 4x + (7y + 5z)
B) 4x(7y + 5z)
C) 11xy + 5z
D) 16xyz
Please help me :(

posted by unknown 2
today at 5:18pm

this is stupid

ghost in your house

you stink

think associative property of addition ...

WriteTeacher can you please help me???

i hate denis....i really do!


To simplify the expression (4x + 7y) + 5z, you need to use the distributive property, which states that a(b + c) is equal to ab + ac.

So let's simplify step by step:
(4x + 7y) + 5z

First, apply the distributive property to (4x + 7y) by multiplying each term inside the parentheses by 1:
4x + 7y + 5z

Now, you can rearrange the terms in any order you like since addition is commutative.

So the equivalent expression is:
4x + 7y + 5z

Comparing it to the given options:
A) 4x + (7y + 5z) - This expression is equivalent to the original one.
B) 4x(7y + 5z) - This expression is the product of 4x multiplied by (7y + 5z) and is not equivalent.
C) 11xy + 5z - This expression combines the terms 4x and 7y incorrectly and is not equivalent.
D) 16xyz - This expression is a completely different expression and is not equivalent.

Therefore, the answer is option A) 4x + (7y + 5z).

The actual answer is A 4x + (7y + 5z) I know this cause I'm smart and its the correct answer

i think the answer is e) Please help me