can someone check my answers? im really confused! haha

Which statement best describes the relationship between the Tudor monarchs and Parliament?

Tudor monarchs rarely consulted Parliament on important matters.

Parliament and the monarchy cooperated to govern effectively.

Tudor monarchs often clashed with Parliament over divine right.***

Parliament used its constitutional powers to control the monarchy.
im not that great at social studies so if you could help me check this, that would be great! thanks!

C is right.

Based on the given options, the statement that best describes the relationship between the Tudor monarchs and Parliament is:

C. Tudor monarchs often clashed with Parliament over divine right.

This is because during the Tudor period, the monarchs, specifically Henry VIII and his children, often clashed with Parliament over issues related to the monarchy's claim of divine right to rule. This led to conflicts and disagreements between the two institutions.

To check your answers, let's analyze each option and determine which is most accurate:

A. Tudor monarchs rarely consulted Parliament on important matters.
This statement is not entirely true. While Tudor monarchs had significant power and often made decisions without consulting Parliament, they did occasionally rely on their support and approval, especially when it came to matters such as taxation and passing laws. So, this option is not the best description of the relationship between the Tudor monarchs and Parliament.

B. Parliament and the monarchy cooperated to govern effectively.
This option accurately represents the relationship between the Tudor monarchs and Parliament. While there were some conflicts and tensions between the two, overall, they worked together to govern England. Parliament played a crucial role in passing laws, granting taxation rights, and advising the monarchy. So, this choice is a good description.

C. Tudor monarchs often clashed with Parliament over divine right.
This statement is partially true. Some conflicts between the Tudor monarchs and Parliament did arise over matters relating to the divine right of kings. However, this was not the primary source of disagreement between the two. So, it is not the best overall description.

D. Parliament used its constitutional powers to control the monarchy.
This statement is not an accurate depiction of the relationship between the Tudor monarchs and Parliament. During the Tudor era, Parliament did not possess the same level of constitutional powers as it does today. While Parliament had some influence over the monarchy, the Tudor monarchs still held significant control and authority. Therefore, this option is not the best choice.

Based on the analysis, the best answer is B. Parliament and the monarchy cooperated to govern effectively.