Hi Mrs. Sue,

Do you think that children putting their answers to a test or homework so that they can pretty much cheat is right ? Please answer back as soon as you can.
Thank you and have a blessed day!

Yes Ma'am and I am sorry for getting your name wrong.

Um I'm sorry but how do you know Eric Crocker???? I am NOT Eric Crocker but I know him because he is my brother. Are you just stalking me or what ?????? Please tell me how in the world you know Eric Crocker.

Are you asking me? I'm Ms. Sue, not Mrs. Sue.

Hello! I'm not Mrs. Sue, but I'd be happy to provide some insight on this topic.

Cheating is generally considered wrong because it goes against the principles of honesty, integrity, and personal accountability. When students cheat on tests or homework, they are not doing the work themselves and are instead relying on someone else's answers to get a good grade.

However, it's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes students may be tempted to cheat due to various reasons, such as peer pressure or a fear of failure. Understanding why someone might cheat can help address the underlying issues.

To discourage cheating, it's essential to promote a culture of academic integrity. Teachers and parents should emphasize the importance of learning, understanding concepts, and developing skills rather than just focusing on getting good grades. They can also help by creating an environment where students feel comfortable asking for help and providing the necessary support to ensure success.

If you suspect that someone is cheating, it's important to address the issue with the individuals involved and guide them towards more ethical behavior. Encouraging open communication, teaching problem-solving skills, and fostering a sense of personal responsibility can help students make better choices in the future.

Remember, learning is not just about the final grade; it's about the knowledge and skills gained along the way.

We tutors will check answers. Many of these students are taking online classes and have no one else to check their ideas.

Oh sorry for butting in but that's what Jiskha is for!

Ms. Crocker is Eric Crocker