
witch of the following number lines shows the correct sum of the number above and -0.25?

A. 1.39

B. 1.48

C 1.79



well, what is 1.64 - 0.25?

To determine the correct sum of the number above and -0.25, we need to add -0.25 to the given number. Let's go through each option and determine the sum:

A. 1.39: Adding -0.25 to 1.39, the sum is 1.14, not matching the given number.

B. 1.48: Adding -0.25 to 1.48, the sum is 1.23, which is also not matching the given number.

C. 1.79: Adding -0.25 to 1.79, the sum is 1.54, not matching the given number.

D. 1.41: Adding -0.25 to 1.41, the sum is 1.16, which matches the given number.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D. 1.41.