I am behind in my school and need to catch up I am having trouble in math and need help grade 7 unit 3 lesson 1 in connection there is 5 question and I need HELP

If you post the 5 questions and show your attempt to answer them, we'll be glad to check them.

Evaluate negative 7 square 2

Is it negative 14

Evaluate 4 square 3

Is it 12

No. That's negative 7 times 2.


Evaluate 2 square 4

Is it 8

Ms.sue what about question 2

Are you asking about

2 squared = 2^2
2 to the 4th power = 2^4?

Evaluate 4 square 3

I think it is 12

What is 4 square 3??

Is it 4 * 4 * 4?