I need help with The Cay Chapther 5-7 quiz

okay thank you

Just post the quiz answers and I can answer them for you.

It's not very helpful. Also, beia, I suggest you look up the first question and then there should be a jiskha link that shows all of the quiz answers. If not, look each one up one at a time until you find the link that has somebody show the answer.

If you post 3 or 4 of the questions that are giving you trouble, someone can probably help.

Do not expect anyone to hand you all the answers, though. That's a good way for both of you to be banned.

Sure! I can help you with The Cay Chapter 5-7 quiz. What specific questions do you need assistance with?

Helper -- please heed Writeacher's advice.

Hi! I know your stuck but you need to learn when you get older it will be harder when you do Istep or That stuff where nobody can help you try Going step by step what questions are troubling you and are you home schooled i need more info so i can help also i'm home schooled so i can help even more