What should the last page of a research paper say?

this is my 10th page I can't go over 10 pages but I don't know how to end it. should I summarize all of the things that I said before? I need to do this fast because its due in 45 minutes

I agree. You should probably just give a small summary of it all. 6 to 8 sentences should do, unless you require more. ^^;

Can you summarize it in 1-2 sentences? If so, do it.

The last page of a research paper typically includes a few important elements. Here are the key components that you can include on the final page:

1. References or bibliography: This section lists all the sources you have cited in your paper. Make sure to follow the specific citation style required by your instructor, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago style.

2. Acknowledgments (optional): If you want to thank anyone who helped you with your research or writing process, you can include a brief acknowledgment section.

3. Appendices (optional): If you have supplementary material that supports or expands on your research but doesn't necessarily fit within the main body of your paper, you can include appendices. Examples could be data tables, charts, or additional information that enhances understanding.

Regarding summarizing your entire research in the last page, it may not be necessary or feasible to include all the details in such a limited space. However, you could consider adding a brief concluding paragraph that summarizes the main points discussed in your paper. This conclusion should reflect on the significance of your research findings and provide closure for the reader.

Considering your time constraint, it is essential to prioritize completing the essential sections such as references and any required appendices. If you have enough time left, you can then add a concise summary or conclusion paragraph.

Remember to proofread your paper for any errors before submitting it. Good luck with your research paper!