If Joshua was rock climbing at an elevation of 20 feet and Sash was scuba diving at 50 below sea level, which person is closer to sea level?


Joshua is only 20 Ft. from sea level.

To determine which person is closer to sea level, we need to compare the elevation of the rock climber and the depth of the scuba diver relative to sea level.

- Joshua's elevation: 20 feet
- Sash's depth: 50 below sea level

To compare these values, we can use a reference point (sea level) and calculate the distance from that point for each person.

For Joshua:
Distance from sea level = Joshua's elevation - Sea level
Distance from sea level = 20 feet - 0 feet (since sea level is the reference point)
Distance from sea level = 20 feet

For Sash:
Distance from sea level = Sash's depth - Sea level
Distance from sea level = -50 feet (since 50 below sea level) - 0 feet (since sea level is the reference point)
Distance from sea level = -50 feet

Now, let's compare the distances:
Joshua is 20 feet away from sea level, while Sash is -50 feet away from sea level.

From this comparison, we can conclude that Joshua is closer to sea level than Sash.