Most of the delegates to the convention of 1836 favorite which of the following regards to Independence?

A. Fighting for independence
B. Joining forces with American Indians
C. Negotiating for peace ***
D. Surrendering

I think you're right. Check your text.

To find the answer to this question, we need to look for historical information about the convention of 1836.

Step 1: Research the convention of 1836.

The convention of 1836 refers to the gathering of delegates at Washington-on-the-Brazos in Texas to formally declare independence from Mexico.

Step 2: Research the views of the delegates at the convention regarding independence.

The majority of the delegates at the convention of 1836 favored fighting for independence. They believed that armed resistance was necessary to achieve liberation from Mexican control.

Step 3: Compare the options given with the information obtained.

Looking at the options provided:
A. Fighting for independence - This aligns with the information obtained.
B. Joining forces with American Indians - There is no evidence to suggest that this was a favored option.
C. Negotiating for peace - This contradicts the information obtained as the delegates favored fighting for independence.
D. Surrendering - This contradicts the information obtained as the delegates favored fighting for independence.

Based on the information and the comparison of the options, the correct answer would be A. Fighting for independence.