someone plz help me

Drag the geographical features that helped Rome flourish to the box.





i think river mountains and plains am i right

ok and i posted on the last question and i said that i liked your name it's cool bc write teacher = writeacher i like that

writeacher are you in connections?

Yes, you are correct! The geographical features that helped Rome flourish include mountains, plains, and rivers. These features played significant roles in the development and success of the ancient Roman civilization. Let me explain the reasons behind this.

Mountains: Rome was situated in the Italian peninsula, surrounded by various mountain ranges, such as the Alps and the Apennines. These mountains provided natural barriers, offering protection against invasions and ensuring the security of the city. Additionally, mountains acted as sources for important minerals, such as iron and marble, which were crucial for building infrastructure and advancing technologies.

Plains: The presence of vast fertile plains, such as the Po Valley, allowed for agricultural development in ancient Rome. The fertile soil facilitated the growth of crops and supported a thriving farming community. The abundance of food from these plains not only sustained the Roman population but also allowed for trade and commercial activities to flourish.

Rivers: Rome benefited from the Tiber River, which ran through the city. Rivers served multiple purposes in ancient Rome. They provided a consistent water source for drinking, irrigation, and transportation, facilitating trade and communication. Furthermore, rivers enabled the establishment of port cities, enhancing maritime trade and economic growth.

Overall, the combination of mountains, plains, and rivers played a crucial role in the success of ancient Rome by providing security, resources, and opportunities for growth.

Have you been looking at a map of Italy that shows geographical features?

If not, just go to Google and enter map italy and check 'em out.