During a matinée, a movie theater sold twice as many children tickets as adult tickets. The movie theater sold a total of 402 tickets.

What is your question?

2/3 are children , 1/3 are adult

2/3 * 402 = ?

1/3 * 402 = ?

Are you asking how many children tickets and adult tickets the movie theater sold?

Sold X adult tickets.

Sold 2x children tickets.

x + 2x = 402.
X = ?
2x = ?

To solve this problem, we can use algebraic equations.

Let's assume the number of adult tickets sold as 'x.'

According to the problem, the theater sold twice as many children tickets as adult tickets. Therefore, the number of children tickets sold would be 2x.

The total number of tickets sold is given as 402.

So, we can write an equation: x + 2x = 402

Combining like terms, we get: 3x = 402

To isolate 'x' (the number of adult tickets), we can divide both sides of the equation by 3: x = 402/3

Simplifying further, x = 134.

So, the theater sold 134 adult tickets.

Since the number of children tickets sold is twice the number of adult tickets, it would be 2 * 134 = 268.

Therefore, the theater sold 268 children tickets during the matinee.