Steven has made 154 Field Goals in 177 attempts. How many Field Goals must he make in a row in order to bring his overall success rate to exactly 90 percent?

well, if he gets x in a row, his success rate will be


so, find x such that that is 90/100

Thanks Steve!

To find out how many Field Goals Steven must make in a row to have a success rate of 90 percent, we need to set up an equation.

Let's assume that Steven will make x Field Goals in a row. The total number of attempts will then be 177 + x. If his overall success rate is 90 percent, then the number of successful attempts should be equal to 90 percent of the total attempts.

We can set up the equation as follows:

(x + 154) = 0.9(177 + x)

Now let's solve for x.

Multiply 0.9 to both sides of the equation:

0.9(x + 177) = 0.9x + 138.6

Distribute 0.9 to both terms:

0.9x + 159.3 = 0.9x + 138.6

Subtract 0.9x from both sides:

159.3 = 138.6

This equation is not true, which means there is no solution to make Steven's overall success rate exactly 90 percent. As he has already attempted 177 shots and made 154, it is not possible for him to make enough consecutive shots to achieve a 90 percent success rate.