Create an inviting, detailed image that illustrates the feudal Japanese society. In the foreground, portray a Middle-Eastern samurai with distinct armor, a South Asian peasant tending the fields, a Hispanic daimyo in fine clothing, and a Caucasian shogun in formal attire. Make sure there's a clear setting that embodies historical Japan with houses, fields, a castle, and cherry blossoms. No textual elements should be present.

Describe Feudal Japanese society. What were the roles of peasants, shoguns, samurai, and daimyo ??


Not to be rude I know I am late, but she asked a question you give this response to every student, she/he probably couldn't find an answer or explanation on reliable sites. Please next time when someone asks a question actually give them an explanation instead of saying "Please read/re-read your text with this question in mind. you could also look up the keywords in the question at Let us know what you learn."

She probably read/re-read her text MANY of times.

Japanese fuedalism put the emperor at the top of the social structure but really gave the Shogun the highest power. They were the ones that carried out all actions of the government. The Daimyo were in charge of a portion of land and had Samurai soldiers working for them to protect them and the land. The fishermen and farmers were important because they provided most of the food, and they were peasants. They were higher then merchants because of this reason.

brainly is not free 2 use though

I agree with Stranger because this is a tutoring site. We are here to learn from you tutors. I like it when Ms. Sue gives a website or PDF to read, but not when yall tutors just say "look it up".

i just wanted the answer ;(

I agree

agreed she told me she didn't know but then i look it up and she knew it

if you need help use brainly, they give actual answers

Thank you so much HI

Peasants were the low class farmers, crop growers, and landowners in the Japanese society. Daimyo were the rich, upper class which owned big plots of land and were very good off. Samurai where the protecters and knights of the peasants, so they took care of them and made sure they were safe. Finally, The Shoguns where the lords of parts of the land.