what is the name of (ch3)2chch2ch(ch2ch3)ch(oh)ch2ch3

Here is my shot at it.

4-ethyl-6-methyl-3-heptanol or 4-ethyl-6-methyl-heptan-3-ol

Hydroxyl groups takes precedence.

There are many tutorials on the web that can help

Naming it as an -ol makes sense to me.

The compound is an alcohol. Google IUPAC and alcohols and maybe it will make since.

Sense, not since. I apologize, autospell.

The name you provided appears to be a chemical formula. To determine its systematic name, we can use the IUPAC nomenclature rules for organic compounds.

First, let's break down the structure of the compound:

From this structure, we can identify the different functional groups present:
- (CH3)2CH- represents a branch of two methyl groups attached to a carbon
- CH2- represents a methylene group
- CH(CH2CH3)- represents a propyl group attached to a carbon
- CH(OH)- represents an alcohol group attached to a carbon
- CH2CH3- represents an ethyl group attached to a carbon

Putting it all together, the systematic name for this compound is 2,2-diethyl-3-methylpentan-3-ol.

To arrive at this name, we follow these steps:
1. Identify the longest carbon chain, which is the pentane chain.
2. Number the carbon chain in a way that gives the substituents (branches) the lowest possible locant numbers. In this case, we start numbering from the end nearest to the first substituent, which is the ethyl group.
3. Name the substituents in alphabetical order, listing the number of the carbon to which they are attached.
4. Indicate the presence of multiple identical substituents by using prefixes (e.g., di for two, tri for three, etc.) and include their locant numbers.
5. Finally, include the functional group in the name, which in this case is the -ol ending for an alcohol group.

So, the name of (CH3)2CHCH2CH(CH2CH3)CH(OH)CH2CH3 is 2,2-diethyl-3-methylpentan-3-ol.

I am not an organic chemist but I would name this as

2-methyl-4-ethyl-5-hydroxy heptane but you should get a second opinion.