1. why did Dutch colonies in the americas fail to attract as many settlers as English colonies did?

a. fewer people were dissatisfied with the life in the Netherlands than in England***
b. the economy of Netherlands was much weaker than that of England
c. The Dutch colonies were more difficult to reach by sea than the English colonies
d. The Dutch colonies had fewer natural resources than the English colonies

2. What is the correct order of the social pyramid of Spanish colonial society? Place the highest class at the go and the lowest at the bottom
Mestizos and mulattoes
Africans and native Americans

3. What was the most valuable item traded between French colonists and native Americans
A. Sugar
B. Slaves
C. Spices
D. Fur***

4.why did the space trade grow dramatically in the americas on the mid-1500s
A. People began to profit from selling native Americans abroad
B. Sugar became an important export***
C. Gold mining required a great deal of labor
D. Native Americans refused to work in the fields or in the mines

5. How did illegal smuggling affect the Portuguese empire
A. The Portuguese rulers profited from it
B. It caused a war between Spain and Portugal
c. It caused economic hardship in the empire****
D. It led Portugal to expand its colonies

The first four are right. I don't know about number five.

Why is B for the fourth one? I guess I’m just a little confused and an explanation would be helpful!

if you figure it out let me know plz thanks for checking my answers

number 4 is B because due to the natives dying out from disease, or they ran away, african slaves became more in demand. Sugar was in high demand in europe, so they needed more slaves to work on the plantations. i hope this helps qwq

^^ last seen 7 years ago

Is 5 right?

1. The correct answer is: c. The Dutch colonies were more difficult to reach by sea than the English colonies.

To get to this answer, we can analyze the options:

a. We cannot directly conclude that fewer people were dissatisfied with life in the Netherlands than in England, as there is no information provided about the level of dissatisfaction in either country.

b. The economy of the Netherlands being weaker than that of England is not a mentioned reason for the failure of Dutch colonies to attract as many settlers.

c. This option suggests that the Dutch colonies were more difficult to reach by sea, which could have been a significant factor in limiting the number of settlers. The difficulty of transportation and logistics could have deterred potential colonists.

d. The option about the natural resources does not provide a direct reason for the failure to attract settlers.

Among the given options, c. The Dutch colonies were more difficult to reach by sea than the English colonies, is the most reasonable explanation.

2. The correct order of the social pyramid of Spanish colonial society, starting with the highest class at the top and the lowest at the bottom, is:

Mestizos and mulattoes
Africans and native Americans

The order of the social pyramid reflects the hierarchy of Spanish colonial society, with Peninsulares (those born in Spain) being at the top, followed by Creoles (people of Spanish descent born in the Americas), then Mestizos and mulattoes (people of mixed Spanish and indigenous or African heritage), and finally, Africans and native Americans who were typically at the lowest social status.

3. The most valuable item traded between French colonists and Native Americans was D. Fur.

To arrive at this answer, we need to examine the options:

A. Sugar: While sugar was indeed an important trade item, it was not the most valuable item traded between French colonists and Native Americans.

B. Slaves: Slavery was prevalent in different parts of the Americas, including French colonies, but it was not the most valuable item in the context of trade with Native Americans.

C. Spices: While spices were highly valuable commodities during the colonial period, they were not a primary trade item between French colonists and Native Americans.

D. Fur: The fur trade was a crucial economic activity between French colonists and Native Americans. Fur from animals such as beavers played a significant role in the early French colonies' economic development, making it the most valuable item traded.

4. The space trade grew dramatically in the Americas in the mid-1500s because B. Sugar became an important export.

Analyzing the given options:

A. People began to profit from selling Native Americans abroad: While the exploitation of Native Americans was unfortunately prevalent, it does not directly explain the growth of the spice trade.

B. Sugar became an important export: This option is the most plausible explanation. The demand for sugar was increasing rapidly during this period, leading to the expansion of sugar plantations and therefore driving the growth of the slave trade and overall trade in the Americas.

C. Gold mining required a great deal of labor: While gold mining did require substantial labor, it was not the primary factor driving the growth of trade in the mid-1500s.

D. Native Americans refused to work in the fields or in the mines: The refusal of Native Americans to work is not mentioned as a reason for the growth of trade.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Sugar becoming an important export.

5. Illegal smuggling affected the Portuguese empire by causing economic hardship in the empire.

To determine the answer, let's review the options:

A. The Portuguese rulers profited from it: This option suggests that the ruling class benefited from smuggling, but it is not confirmed or mentioned as a consequence of illegal smuggling.

B. It caused a war between Spain and Portugal: There is no mention of a war between Spain and Portugal as a result of illegal smuggling.

C. It caused economic hardship in the empire: This option is the most reasonable and accurate answer. Illegal smuggling undermines legitimate trade and taxation, leading to economic hardships for the empire.

D. It led Portugal to expand its colonies: There is no direct correlation mentioned between illegal smuggling and Portuguese colonial expansion.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. It caused economic hardship in the empire.

what what what

all post the answers on here once i finish

The Answers

7.Peninsulares,Creoles,Mestizos and Mulattoes,Africans and Native Americans
17.You write the answer
18.You write the answer
19.You write the answer
20.You write the answer

And you're welcome