Which economic activity was the first to be affected by the Industrial Revolution?

A. textile manufacturing
B. coal mining
C. agriculture
D. transportation
I Think It's D....

I mostly found information about textile manufacturing

So its A?


You're welcome.

it is A

It’s A

Ok thx!!!




The first economic activity to be affected by the Industrial Revolution was textile manufacturing.

The principle of _____ in the U.S. constitution means that?

A. Popular sovereignty

B. Federalism

C. Checks and balances

D. Judicial review

A. Popular sovereignty means the people hold the ultimate authority in government and is reflected in the U.S. Constitution through the principle of representative democracy.

The power of each branch of government is is limited by powers of other branches. The principle of ____ means that power is distributed between state and national governments

A. Federalism

B. Judicial review

C. Popular sovereignty

D. Checks and balances

A. Federalism is the principle that specifies the distribution of power between state and national governments. The federal government has specific powers outlined in the Constitution, while state governments have reserved powers that are not specifically granted to the federal government.

After becoming emperor of France, how did Napoleon use his large army?

A. The French monarchy, and began to reign over terror

B. He brought peace to Europe by supporting the Congress of Vienna.

C. He invaded and conquered most of Europe

D. He successfully invaded Britain and Russia

C. After becoming the emperor of France, Napoleon used his large army to invade and conquer most of Europe.

Which principle motivated non-Europeans to resist imperialism and eventually overcome colonial rule

The principle of nationalism motivated non-Europeans to resist imperialism and eventually overcome colonial rule. Nationalism is the belief in the power of national identity and the desire for self-determination, freedom, and autonomy among people living in a particular region. Imperialism is the extension of a country's power and influence through colonization, the use of military force, or other means, and it often suppressed indigenous cultures, identities, and autonomy. Nationalistic movements emerged in response to these imperialist practices and sought to assert indigenous cultures, values, and rights against colonial rule.

Which principle motivated non-Europeans to resist imperialism and eventually overcome colonial rule?

A. Federalism

B. Nationalism

C. Industrialism

D. Communism

B. Nationalism motivated non-Europeans to resist imperialism and eventually overcome colonial rule.

I disagree.

What does your text say?

Yes, A.

its not a and thats a fact