Which event best identifies the beginning of the so-called Dark Ages in Europe?

spread of the bubonic plague
rise of the Arab Empire
initiation of the Hundred Years’ War
fall of the Roman Empire

fall of the Roman Empire

this is correct

Got it, I said fall of the roman empire

The event that best identifies the beginning of the so-called Dark Ages in Europe is the fall of the Roman Empire.

To understand this, it is important to have a basic knowledge of the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages is a term used to describe the period that followed the decline of the Roman Empire in Western Europe, roughly spanning from the 5th century to the 10th century. It was characterized by political instability, economic decline, social disruption, and a lack of centralized authority.

The fall of the Roman Empire is considered a significant event in marking the beginning of the Dark Ages. The decline and eventual fall of the Roman Empire occurred in the 5th century, when the Germanic tribes, such as the Visigoths and Vandals, invaded and sacked the city of Rome. This event marked the end of the Western Roman Empire and led to the fragmentation of political power, as well as the disruption of trade and the decline of cities.

The fall of a powerful and centralized empire like the Roman Empire resulted in a power vacuum and the subsequent loss of order and stability across Europe. This led to a decline in economic development, education, and cultural progress. The loss of a centralized government also made it difficult to maintain infrastructure, enforce laws, and protect against invasions.

While other events, such as the spread of the bubonic plague, the rise of the Arab Empire, and the initiation of the Hundred Years’ War, had significant impacts on European history, they are not generally considered to be the primary cause or defining moment of the Dark Ages. These events occurred during or after the Dark Ages, and although they influenced European history, they did not mark the beginning of this specific historical period.

Therefore, the fall of the Roman Empire is the event that best identifies the beginning of the Dark Ages in Europe.


1 is the correct answer. spread of the bubonic plague

The Dark Ages were a difficult time in which to live: famine and disease were common. The Black Death Bubonic Plague devastated Europe in the late 1340s and early 1350s, killing an estimated 100 to 200 million people. Warfare was also a part of everyday life. The Europeans and the Muslims of the Arab world fought numerous conflicts. These conflicts, called the Crusades, began in 1095 and ended in 1291. The Dark Ages have often been described as a backwards time in human history. The Dark Ages came to a close around 1500 AD, as the Italian Renaissance and the Age of Discovery dawned.

Read up about the Dark Ages, you'll find your answer.