Gabriela is sick with a bad cold. Her immune system is defending her body against the invading virus. The first line of defense is cells called macrophages, which attack viral particles. The cells eliminate viral particles in a process called endocytosis. Arrange the steps of endocytosis in order of what occurs.

1. Cell surface receptors bind to the viral particle.

2. Lysosome within the cell encloses the viral particle.

3. Viral particle is surrounded by the cell membrane.

4. Cell membrane curves around toward the cell's interior.

5. Lysosome's digestive enzymes destroy the viral particle.

6. Cell recognizes the viral particle as foreign material.


Please help, I am really stuck on this question.

Gabriela has coronavirus.

The first line of defense is basically based on the macrophages. macrophages or monocytes kills the virus by engulfing and digesting it in cell. The steps in endocytosis areas follows:
Cell surface receptors bind to the viral particle.
Cell recognizes the viral particle as foreign material.
Viral particle is surrounded by the cell membrane.
Cell membrane curves around toward the cell's interior.
Lysosomes within the cell encloses the viral particle.
Lysosomes's digestive enzymes destroy the viral particle.

Sure! I can help you with that.

To arrange the steps of endocytosis in order of occurrence, we need to understand the process. Endocytosis is the process by which a cell takes in external materials by engulfing them. In this case, it involves the macrophages attacking viral particles.

Let's go through the steps:

1. Cell surface receptors bind to the viral particle: The viral particle has specific molecules on its surface that can attach to receptors on the surface of macrophages. This binding allows the macrophage to recognize the viral particle as a foreign material.

2. Cell recognizes the viral particle as foreign material: Once the viral particle binds to the receptors, the macrophage identifies it as foreign and prepares to engulf it.

3. Cell membrane curves around toward the cell's interior: The macrophage's cell membrane starts to curve around the viral particle, forming a pocket called a vesicle or phagosome.

4. Viral particle is surrounded by the cell membrane: The cell membrane surrounds the viral particle completely, enclosing it within the phagosome.

5. Lysosome within the cell encloses the viral particle: The phagosome fuses with a lysosome, a membrane-bound organelle that contains digestive enzymes.

6. Lysosome's digestive enzymes destroy the viral particle: Within the lysosome, the digestive enzymes break down the viral particle, eliminating it from the cell.

Based on this information, the correct order of the steps is:

1. Cell surface receptors bind to the viral particle.
2. Cell recognizes the viral particle as foreign material.
3. Cell membrane curves around toward the cell's interior.
4. Viral particle is surrounded by the cell membrane.
5. Lysosome within the cell encloses the viral particle.
6. Lysosome's digestive enzymes destroy the viral particle.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.