when you must handle several hazards at the same time, what is the best tactic to do

minimize, then compromise the hazards :)

When you have to handle several hazards simultaneously, the best tactic is to prioritize and address the hazards based on their level of potential harm and urgency. Here's a step-by-step approach to effectively handle multiple hazards:

1. Assess the hazards: Identify and evaluate each hazard involved. Consider the severity of the potential harm it can cause and the likelihood of it occurring. This assessment will help prioritize your actions.

2. Set a hierarchy: Determine which hazards pose the highest risk and have the potential for immediate harm. Rank them in order of priority, considering factors like seriousness, likelihood, and potential consequences.

3. Take immediate action: Address the hazards that pose an immediate threat to safety first. If there are hazards that can lead to severe injuries or damage in the near term, deal with those first to mitigate the risks.

4. Allocate resources: Based on the identified priority, allocate necessary resources such as personnel, equipment, or time to tackle each hazard effectively. Ensure that your resources are appropriately distributed according to the level of risk posed by each hazard.

5. Create a plan: Develop a comprehensive plan for dealing with all the hazards. Break down the tasks into manageable steps, establish clear roles and responsibilities, and consider any dependencies or interactions between hazards.

6. Coordinate efforts: If there are multiple individuals or teams involved in handling the hazards, ensure effective coordination and communication. Foster collaboration and alignment to optimize the mitigation efforts.

7. Monitor and adapt: Continuously monitor the progress of hazard mitigation efforts and make adjustments as needed. Stay vigilant for any new hazards that may arise during the process and adjust your approach accordingly.

Remember, it is important to remain calm, focused, and organized when managing multiple hazards simultaneously. Regular training and preparation for such scenarios can improve your ability to handle them effectively.