I have a question what are the rules here because i saw and heard people getting banned from here and im not trying to get banned and whos in charge of banning people and why do people get banned? im just kinda knew here to this website and im scared i might ask a question and people might think im cheating when all i need is help.

Will you guys just forget my I.P. you obviously have my personal info and I cant have that thank you I am sorry for cussing I was mad, because my friend swallowed my goldfish.

Don't cheat on this website. You will get banned. You can talk to a tutor and find the answer out together. Remember: you're school isn't everything. I made an 11 on a test. It's ok to make a bad grade. It is not ok to cheat.

Whaa? i did NOT get a warning!!

If you post a question and state that you want an explanation, not the answer, you'll be fine.

Ms. Sue is one of our tutors, yes. She's usually online from about noon Eastern time until 10 or 11 pm. And she is one of four people who have admin tools.

Vulgar means filthy -- bad language. Completely unacceptable.

Yes also agree with writeteacher. But what if we aren't "posing" as a teacher. What If we just like act like a teacher but we still actually help them. Like kinda being a tutor for the kids that need other kids help?

Would you guys really try to contact schools and law enforcement for some situations???

Users get banned for vulgar/inappropriate language/remarks, spamming, posting way too many questions with no attempt at answering (we call them answer moochers), and such things. The regular tutors on this site are allowed to ban. Often, but not always, we warn before banning. Thank you for using Jiskha. We want to help but this is not a site for you to get "free" answers; i.e., we want you to HELP you do the work.

When i was told i was being banned, it said it would tell my school district and my internet provider

I have no idea why I got banned, I was following all the rules.

I got mad when somebody gave me false info for a question i had i got a little mad and because i guess i got to comfortable with the app and when i asked for help and some people gave me just a plain answer and no explanation i still asked for one but that answer they gave me was still correct and people on here tend to just ask for the answers i wasn't like that at first but their rubbing off on me and i kind of saw this place as a cheating site after that, i accidently used foul language when i got angry and i didn't mean any harm. Am I supposed to share the answers with the poepl who ask???

Students who post their questions AND let the tutors know what they think the answers are and/or let tutors know where they get stuck (especially math and science questions), will be fine.

People 1) who post using filthy language, 2) who try to pose as one of our tutors, 3) who spam these message boards with advertising or personal information, 4) who come here to cheat (ask for all the answers and/or hand out all the answers to anything), 5) who are consistently rude to tutors and others -- those are the ones most likely to be banned, especially if they keep it up in post after post.

Just remember that "help" doesn't mean "do it for me" (=cheating) and you'll be fine.

And it is not ok to bully either like Cute Fox Girl stated. I am sorry for coming to this website to get answers I will stop. Thanks for helping me realize.

Gnarly whiz nerd is ur friend ok?

@stream "on track" What I like to do is check if my answers are right, but if I get something wrong, I don't change the answers because it wasn't my work.

People get banned here sometimes because they may cheat on a math problem or use bad language also Whiz Nerd you made my day πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ ( I’m sorry)

thank you for that but say if i wanted help answering a question but dont want the answer but need someone to explain it to me would that be cheating?Also a teacher named Ms.Sue is she a tutor or teacher on this website or is she a kid with that name i heard her banning people?

Whats Vulgar

oh ok thank you so much this helped a lot

Yes, agree with Writeacher

Is checking answers considered cheating?

Just Don’t Be Rude And you should be fine

Thanks for the info. My sister has gotten banned before and she never told me why, I guess now I know. Thank you.

thanks for the info

@ Tea

It's OK if you're not an actually tutor here and still help people. Anyone is allowed to help as long as they're not giving out answers. You don't have to be a certified teacher to help others. Just help explain it to them without giving them the answers.
Alright, hashtag time! Reply with this if you agree with everyone here! -> #NoCheatingNoSwearingDontDoDrugs
Cute Fox Girl ;3 <3

I just realize how I repeated the second sentences.....LOL

Also, be respectful to the other students here. Being rude repeatedly or bullying is unacceptable. Too many kids get bullied. If you see someone getting bullied anywhere, don't be a bystander.

People get banned for doing bad stuff like insulting people or asking for us to do homework or tests instead of trying themselves and showing us what they did and where they got stuck. Just remember we are teachers, not test taker slaves. We are happy to help or to check work, but not to do the work for students.