What kind of organization is used in "The Season's Curmudgeon Sees the Light"?

A. chronological order
B. cause-and-effect order
C. comparison and contrast
D. narrative

writeteacher actually i did read it and im still confused but go off ig

D. narrative

To determine the type of organization used in "The Season's Curmudgeon Sees the Light," we need to look at how the information in the story is structured. Here's how you can approach finding the answer:

1. Read or review the story: Start by reading or reviewing the story, paying attention to how the information is presented and organized.

2. Identify the main structure: Look for patterns in the story that indicate a specific organizational method. Consider the flow of events and the relationships between different parts of the story.

3. Analyze the options: Once you have a clear understanding of the story's structure, analyze the given options and see which one best matches the way the information is organized.

In this case, without having access to the story "The Season's Curmudgeon Sees the Light," it is not possible to definitively determine the organization used. You could try searching for summaries or analyses of the story online to gather more information and insights. Additionally, you can check if the story follows a specific pattern or structure you are familiar with, such as being presented in chronological order, cause-and-effect order, comparison and contrast, or narrative form.

I doubt anyone here has read that. You'll need to make sure you're 100% clear on the meanings of the 4 choices, and then decide.