Rewrite the expression using exponents 4*4*4*4*4

Will it be 4 with that little 5 on top?


4^5 online
45 when typeset

that's an exponent

Oh yeah I forgot how to do it but thanks! And how did you that!

I embedded some html in my text

Read up on the sup and sub tags (delimited by <> characters)
I actually used 2 sup tags, to make the superscript even higher and smaller.
If you type ctrl-U you can see the source code for this page, and if you search for the text "typeset", you will see the tags just before it.

Yes, you are correct! The expression 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 can be rewritten using exponents as 4^5. The exponent indicates the number of times the base (in this case, 4) is multiplied by itself. So, 4^5 means 4 multiplied by itself 5 times, which is equal to 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4.