Read the sentence.

This painting by Sandro Botticelli was different from many great works by his contemporaries because it did not rely on mathematical _[blank]_.

Which option most accurately completes the sentence?

the second one


To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the sentence. The sentence states that the painting by Sandro Botticelli was different from many great works by his contemporaries because it did not rely on mathematical "blank."

To find the missing word, we should pay attention to the clue provided - that Botticelli's painting did not rely on something that many other great works of his time did rely on.

Now let's consider each option:
1. Contrast: Contrast refers to the difference or distinction between elements in a work of art. Although contrast can be seen in many paintings, it does not relate to the mathematical aspect mentioned in the sentence.
2. Perspective: Perspective is a technique used in art to create an illusion of depth and three-dimensionality. This option seems relevant as it could be related to mathematical principles such as linear perspective, which was commonly used during Botticelli's era.
3. Contrapposto: Contrapposto is a pose in sculpture or painting where the human figure is standing with most of its weight on one leg, creating a relaxed and natural posture. Contrapposto is not directly related to mathematical principles and therefore seems less likely to be the correct answer.
4. Lyricism: Lyricism refers to a quality in art that conveys emotions or a sense of poetry. While it is a characteristic that can differentiate works, it does not involve mathematical aspects.

Based on this analysis, the most accurate completion of the sentence is "perspective," as it aligns with the mention of mathematical principles.

Which painting? Name it.

HE DID IN THE QUESTION!! Whats the answer, quick!