Identify the following as inelastic, elastic, or neither:

1.A basketball thrown off the top of a building falls onto a 3-meter-thick pile of feathers.

2.A basketball thrown off the top of a building falls onto a 3-meter-thick pile of wood.

3.A distracted driver who is texting runs into the car in front of him who is stationary at a red light

4.A football player from one team chases down the quarterback from the opposing team and tackles him to the


Left astronaut:

m = 40 kg

v =_______m/s

p = 400 kg m/s

Right astronaut:

m = 50 kg

v = _________m/s

p = _________kg m/s

AFTER cluster of astronauts

m = ______kg

v = _______m/s *to tenths

p = _________kg m/s

We will be happy to check your answers or thinking.

I need the answers

Well, there is a problem with that.

a) on the first, you need to know what the charactersistics of elastic and inelastic reactions are, and to argue the situations which is which. Giving answers wont make that type of mental reasoning for you.
b) The link you gave is not accessible for anyone but you. However, I suspect it is a conservation of momentum problem, you need to work thru that also. p=m*v
after the collision, the sum of the intial momentums is equal to the final momentum. Remember that velocity is a vector, so sign is important, as momentum p is a vector also.

1. Inelastic - When the basketball falls onto a 3-meter-thick pile of feathers, the impact will not cause any significant deformation or loss of energy. The collision between the basketball and feathers will be inelastic since the basketball will come to a stop upon impact without bouncing back.

2. Elastic - When the basketball falls onto a 3-meter-thick pile of wood, it will experience a collision that is more elastic compared to the feathers. The wood will provide some resistance, causing the basketball to bounce back to some extent after the impact.

3. Inelastic - In this scenario, the distracted driver who is texting runs into the stationary car in front of them. The collision between the two cars is inelastic since the cars will likely stick together after impact, resulting in deformation and a loss of kinetic energy.

4. Neither - The given description does not provide enough information to determine whether the collision between the football player and the quarterback is elastic or inelastic. More details about the nature of the collision, such as whether the quarterback bounces off or sticks to the football player, are needed.

Regarding the second part of your question, unfortunately, I couldn't access the provided image (file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/astronauts%20(1).gif) as it appears to be a local file on your device. Please provide the relevant information related to the astronauts' masses, velocities, and momenta separately, and I'll be happy to assist you further.