The interior angles of an octagon are 2x, 1/2x, (x + 40)°, 110°, 135°, 160°, (2x + 10)° and 185°. Find the value of x.

Use the fact that the sum of all the interior angles of an octogon add up to 180(6)° to form your equation.

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x =80

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To find the value of x, we can use the fact that the sum of the interior angles of an octagon is always equal to 1080 degrees.

The sum of the interior angles of the octagon is given by the equation:

2x + 1/2x + (x + 40)° + 110° + 135° + 160° + (2x + 10)° + 185° = 1080°

Now, let's simplify the equation by combining like terms:

2x + 1/2x + x + 40° + 110° + 135° + 160° + 2x + 10° + 185° = 1080°

Combine all terms that contain x:

5x + 195° = 1080°

Subtracting 195° from both sides:

5x = 1080° - 195°

5x = 885°

Divide both sides by 5:

x = 885° / 5

x = 177

Therefore, the value of x is 177.