What are some reliable online resources to learn about the origins of civilization?

One reliable online resource to learn about the origins of civilization is the Khan Academy. They offer a variety of courses on history, including courses specifically on ancient civilizations. To access their resources, you can visit the Khan Academy website (www.khanacademy.org) and search for relevant courses or topics.

Another reliable resource is the Ancient History Encyclopedia. They have a comprehensive collection of articles and resources discussing the origins of civilizations from around the world. You can visit their website (www.ancient.eu) and browse through their articles, which cover topics like Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley Civilization, and many others.

The British Museum is also an excellent resource for learning about the origins of civilization. They have an extensive collection of artifacts and exhibits related to ancient civilizations. You can explore their online collections and virtual exhibitions on their website (www.britishmuseum.org) to gain insights into various ancient cultures.

Furthermore, academic journals and scholarly databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or Wiley Online Library can provide you with in-depth research articles written by experts in the field of ancient civilizations. Access to these resources may require a subscription or access through a library or educational institution.

Remember that when using online resources, it's important to critically evaluate the information, consider multiple sources, and cross-reference information to ensure accuracy and reliability.