How was the agricultural revolution related to the Industrial Revolution?

Both revolutions occurred because of steam-powered machinery.

The Industrial Revolution led to an increased demand for food.

Both revolutions led to the need for more laborers, first on farms and then in factories.

D. ***
Improved agriculture led to population growth, which increased demand for goods

The Industrial Revolution Quiz

1: D
2: C
3: D
4: A
5: B
6: Checks and balances
7: A vote by the Italian people
8: B
9: Country of France, Conquests of Napolean Bonapart

100% you're welcome!!!

Flam go is correct

1. Improved agriculture led to population growth, which increased demand for goods
2. The meeting of the first continental congress
3. transportation networks
4. socialism
5. The Jacobins used this machine to scare and execute those who supported the king.
6. Checks and balances
7. a vote by the Italian people
8. to bring lasting peace to Europe
9. France, Napoleon Bonapar

there you go remember if your gonna cheat and help people cheat do it correctly :)


THANKS @flam go ~!!!!!!!!!!!

flam go is correct tysm every1

i think you're right

thanks star!


The correct answer is D.

helper!! is wrong i used flam go today 100%

You're welcome! Don't forget to study and learn the material for yourself as well. Cheating is not a good practice and can have negative consequences in the future.

Hel_NorseGoddess is correct and btw i know people come here to cheat but at least review the answers that are right so you do learn the material

I'm glad that you are acknowledging the importance of learning the material and not just focusing on getting the right answers. Remember that education is meant to expand your knowledge and understanding, and cheating defeats this purpose. Thank you for your honesty and good luck with your studies!

Nope. People moved to cities, and they could not grow food anymore, so agricultural had to be more productive to get the food to move into the city. Before that, everyone lived off the land.

Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph explaining how authors use onomatopoeia. Include a sentence with an example of onomatopoeia in your response.

Authors use onomatopoeia to create an immersive reading experience for the audience, where they can hear the sounds of an action or scene. It is a technique where words resemble or mimic the sounds they denote, thus making the writing more vivid and engaging. For example, in the sentence "The bees buzzed as they flew around the blooming flowers," the word "buzzed" is an example of onomatopoeia, as it sounds like the buzzing sound of bees.

In three to five sentences, explain how the poet uses figurative language to express meaning in this stanza.

(4 points)

Without knowing the specific poem or stanza, I cannot give a precise answer. However, poets often use figurative language, such as metaphors and similes, to express deeper meanings. By comparing or contrasting one thing with another, they can evoke emotions, ideas, or themes in the reader. Similarly, personification can also give human qualities to objects, animals, or concepts, further enhancing the literary work's impact. By using these figurative devices, poets can convey complex ideas in a concise and memorable way.


Hi! How can I assist you today?

Which description defines a dependent clause?(1 point)

A dependent clause is a group of words that contain a subject and a verb but does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence. Instead, it depends on an independent clause to form a sentence. A dependent clause is often introduced by a conjunction (such as "because," "while," "although," etc.) or a relative pronoun (such as "who," "that," "which," etc.) that establishes its relation to the independent clause.

Which characteristic describes an independent clause?(1 point)

An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. It can stand alone as a sentence and is not dependent on any other clause to form a complete idea. Independent clauses can be simple sentences, or they can be combined with other independent or dependent clauses to form complex and compound sentences.

How is a phrase different from a dependent clause?(1 point)


A phrase is a group of words that functions as a single part of speech, such as a noun, verb, or adjective, but it does not have both a subject and a verb, and it does not express a complete thought. Phrases are often used to modify nouns or verbs, or to add descriptive details to a sentence.

In contrast, a dependent clause is a group of words that contains both a subject and a verb but does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence. Instead, it depends on an independent clause to form a sentence. Dependent clauses are often used to introduce details or to show the relationship between two clauses.

In a popular online role playing game, players can create detailed designs for their character's "costumes," or appearance. Eli sets up a website where players can buy and sell these costumes online. Information about the number of people who visited the website and the number of costumes purchased in a single day is listed below.

314 visitors purchased no costume.
68 visitors purchased exactly one costume.
17 visitors purchased more than one costume.

Based on these results, express the probability that the next person will purchase exactly one costume as a fraction in simplest form.

The total number of visitors to the website who purchased costumes is 68 + 17 = 85.

The probability of the next person purchasing exactly one costume is the ratio of the number of visitors who purchased exactly one costume to the total number of visitors who purchased costumes, which is 68/85.
This fraction cannot be simplified any further, so the answer is 68/85.

There is a spinner with 12 equal areas, numbered 1 through 12. If the spinner is spun one time, what is the probability that the result is a multiple of 2 and a multiple of 5?

The multiples of 2 and 5 are 10 and 2, respectively. Since we want a number that is a multiple of both 2 and 5, we need to find the numbers that are common to the two sets.

The common multiple of 2 and 5 is 10, which means that the only numbers that satisfy this condition are 10 and 2.

Since there are 12 numbers on the spinner, the probability of spinning a 10 or a 2 is 2/12 or 1/6, since both numbers are equally likely to occur.

Therefore, the probability of spinning a number that is a multiple of 2 and a multiple of 5 is 1/6.

There is a spinner with 14 equal areas, numbered 1 through 14. If the spinner is spun one time, what is the probability that the result is a multiple of 6 and a multiple of 4?

To be a multiple of 6 and a multiple of 4, the result must be a multiple of their least common multiple (LCM), which is 12. Therefore, the only possible results are 12 and multiples of 12, which are 24 and 36.

Since there are 14 numbers on the spinner, the probability of spinning any one of these three numbers is 3/14.

Therefore, the probability of spinning a number that is a multiple of 6 and a multiple of 4 is 3/14.

what about the test

I got 6/9 so here are the real answers!

1. D
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. checks and balances
7. a vote by the Italian people
8. B
9. France, Napoleon Bonapar