Please help! Check my answers! I had to guess because I'm so confused! Help, Me you don't have to answer it! The country of _Prussia_ had the greatest influence on the spread of nationalism throughout Europe because the conquests of _Ottoman Turk_ helped to spread nationalist ideas throughout the continent.

I can help you check your answers and provide an explanation for each question. Let's go through them one by one:

1. The country of Prussia had the greatest influence on the spread of nationalism throughout Europe.

Explanation: Prussia did play a significant role in spreading nationalism, so your answer is correct.

2. The conquests of Ottoman Turk helped to spread nationalist ideas throughout the continent.

Explanation: This statement is incorrect. The Ottoman Turks being conquered did not contribute to the spread of nationalist ideas. Nationalism emerged as a reaction against outside influences and the desire for self-governance, so the Ottoman Turk conquests were not a direct catalyst for the spread of nationalism. Therefore, your answer here is incorrect.

So, to summarize, your first answer is correct, but your second answer is incorrect. I hope this helps! If you have any further questions or need additional explanations, feel free to ask.