The proximal-distal pattern of development is the sequence of motor skills in which control

A. progresses from the center of the body outward toward the extremities.
B. occurs upward from the feet to the head.
C. occurs progressively downward from head and neck, to the trunk, hips and legs, and finally to the feet and toes.
D. is initially concentrated on small muscle groups (writing) and then on large muscle groups (walking).

my answer is a.


Your answer is correct. The proximal-distal pattern of development refers to the sequence of motor skill development where control progresses from the center of the body outward toward the extremities. This means that children gain control and coordination of the muscles close to their core (proximal muscles), such as those in the trunk, shoulders, and arms, before gaining control over muscles in their hands, wrists, and fingers (distal muscles). This pattern is commonly observed in the development of motor skills in infants and young children.