4. Which of the following is true about all of the outer plants?

a. Much of the material in these plants is solid.***
b. The surface of these plants is rocky.
c. They have many moons.
d. They all rotate in the same direction.

Is Pluto a planet this week?

I use rotate for about its own axis. Revolve for orbital motion around the sun. Therefore I would agree, not on spin or rotation. Yes on revolution or direction around orbital path.

To determine which of the following statements about the outer planets is true, let's analyze each option.

a. Much of the material in these planets is solid. ***

To verify this statement, we need to understand the nature of the outer planets. The outer planets, also known as gas giants, include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Unlike the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) which have a solid surface, the outer planets mainly consist of gas and do not have a well-defined solid surface.

Therefore, statement (a) is incorrect as much of the material in these planets is not solid; instead, they are predominantly made up of gases.

b. The surface of these planets is rocky.

This statement is incorrect as well since the outer planets do not have a solid surface. They are primarily composed of gases such as hydrogen and helium, with only a small solid core at their center.

c. They have many moons.

This statement is true for the outer planets. All of the outer planets have multiple moons orbiting around them. For instance, Jupiter has at least 79 known moons, Saturn has over 80, Uranus has 27, and Neptune has 14.

d. They all rotate in the same direction.

This statement is incorrect. The outer planets rotate in different directions. Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune rotate in a counterclockwise direction, while Uranus rotates on its side, causing it to have a unique rotational axis.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

a. Much of the material in these planets is solid. (Incorrect)
b. The surface of these planets is rocky. (Incorrect)
c. They have many moons. (Correct)
d. They all rotate in the same direction. (Incorrect)

Is Saturn solid?

Does Pluto have a moon?
On "rotate", wondering if the teacher meant orbital motion, or planet spin motion. Yes on orbital motion, but on spin motion, which way is the axis on Uranus?