Which Egyptian pharaoh built the most monuments?

A. The damming nile river

B. pollution created by farmers.

C. The desert surrounding the Nile

D. Yearly flood of the Nile

Help anybody that read this help me out or check my answer which is D

Please be patient.

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i got a 100% thanks to brainly

To determine which Egyptian pharaoh built the most monuments, you would need to study the history of ancient Egypt and the various pharaohs who ruled during that time. Here's an explanation of how to approach finding the answer:

1. Research about Egyptian pharaohs: Start by studying the history of ancient Egypt and familiarize yourself with the different pharaohs who ruled over the years. This can involve reading books, articles, or consulting reliable online sources that specialize in Egyptian history.

2. Identify pharaohs known for monument-building: Look for specific pharaohs who were renowned for their monumental constructions. This might involve researching well-known pharaohs like Ramses II, Khufu (who built the Great Pyramid of Giza), or Amenhotep III.

3. Analyze historical accounts and archaeological evidence: Once you have identified potential pharaohs who were associated with monument-building, examine historical accounts and archaeological findings related to their reigns. This can include inscriptions on temple walls, statues, texts, or any other evidence that indicates their involvement in construction projects.

4. Consider the scale and number of monuments attributed to each pharaoh: Evaluate the scale and number of monuments associated with each pharaoh. Look for records of temple construction, statues, obelisks, tombs, and any other significant architectural structures erected during their rule.

By following these steps, you can gather information and form a more accurate understanding of which Egyptian pharaoh built the most monuments.