The first ionization potential( EV) of Be and B respectively are?????

Plz tell me how to find ionization potential of any element???????

look in a table

I am not getting sir,from table how to find ionization potential for any element """"

The first ionization potential (also known as ionization energy) is the amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron from an atom or ion in its gaseous state.

To find the ionization potential of any element, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by locating the element on the periodic table. The ionization potential generally increases across a period (from left to right) and decreases down a group.

2. Identify the electron configuration of the element. This will help determine the number of valence electrons (outermost electrons) that need to be removed.

3. Calculate the ionization potential by examining the ionization energy trend for the specific period or group. Generally, the ionization potential increases as you move across a period and decreases as you move down a group.

4. Look up the ionization potentials in an appropriate data source, such as a chemistry textbook, online database, or periodic table reference. These references provide the specific values for each element.

Now, let's find the first ionization potentials for Be and B:

- Beryllium (Be) has an atomic number of 4. Its electron configuration is 1s^2 2s^2. To remove one electron, you have to break the stability of the 2s^2 orbital, which is relatively more difficult compared to removing the first electron from other elements. The first ionization potential of Be is around 9.32 electron volts (eV).

- Boron (B) has an atomic number of 5. Its electron configuration is 1s^2 2s^2 2p^1. To remove one electron, you need to break the stability of the 2p^1 orbital. The first ionization potential of B is around 8.29 eV.

Note that these values are approximate and can vary depending on the source and experimental conditions. It is always recommended to refer to reliable sources for accurate ionization potential values.