5+2^3= 13?

Does it = 13?

Yes, because 2^3 = 8, and if you add 5 and 8, it's 13.


Okay Thank you sooo much!

Um actually in connexus it is wrong the correct answer is 21

Connexus needs new math teachers!

Lol Writeacher! I'm in Connexus too, and when my mom is helping me, and I send the test, we have no clue how they got the answers on the questions that are wrong. My mom says that they teach it in a way where you have to do all of these extra steps when you can just do it the easy way. My favorite teacher is my Social Studies teacher and he not only teaches well, but he's hilarious too!

Mine is my science teacher she is sooo nice b

(5+2) times 3 = 7*3 = 21

either you or the text has a typo

online notation

a * b or a b or a (b) = a times b
a^b = a to the power b

Thank you

To determine the value of the expression 5+2^3, we need to follow the order of operations, which is also known as the PEMDAS rule (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

In this case, we have 5+2^3. According to the PEMDAS rule, we need to evaluate the exponent before performing the addition.

To calculate 2^3, we raise 2 to the power of 3. This equals 2 * 2 * 2, which is 8.

Now we have 5 + 8, which is equal to 13.

So, yes, 5+2^3 does indeed equal 13.