The most important element of telling a story to flesh your point to the audience is the use of

a. dialogue
b. humor
c. statistics
d. interesting slides
i think its either a or b

also: one drawback of using emotions is

a. you start to cry forget what your talking about.
c. you become sappy or over sentimental
d. none of the above

I dont think its a but otherwise idk

its urgent!!!!

i didnt switch names

To determine the most important element of telling a story to flesh your point to the audience, let's analyze the options provided:

a. Dialogue: Dialogue is indeed a powerful tool for storytelling as it brings characters to life and allows for interactions and conversations. It can effectively convey emotions, personalities, and plot development, making the story more engaging and relatable. However, it is just one of the many elements that make a story impactful.

b. Humor: Humor can be a highly effective tool for engaging and captivating an audience. It can lighten the mood, make the story more memorable, and foster a connection between the storyteller and the audience. Humor has the potential to make the message more relatable, relieves tension, and holds the attention of the listeners. It can also make complex or difficult topics more accessible. However, like dialogue, it is not the sole essential element of storytelling.

c. Statistics: While statistics can provide evidence and credibility to support a point, they are typically not the most significant element when it comes to storytelling. Statistics can reinforce arguments and make them more persuasive, but they might not be as engaging, emotional, or memorable as other storytelling techniques.

d. Interesting slides: While visual aids can enhance a presentation, they are not directly related to storytelling. Interesting slides can complement a story, provide visual cues, and support the main points, but they are not the core element of storytelling itself.

Considering these points, the most important element of telling a story to flesh your point to the audience is subjective and can depend on various factors such as the purpose, audience, and content of the story. Both options a (dialogue) and b (humor) can be crucial in capturing the audience's attention and making the story more persuasive and memorable. Ultimately, the effectiveness of storytelling lies in the combination and skillful execution of various elements, including dialogue, humor, emotions, visuals, and more.

wowow / helelep ~~There's no need to switch names.

You'll need to depend on your text for these. Anything from other people will be guesswork, and guessing is not good.