Sue scored a total of 35 points in two games. She scored 6 times as many points in the second game as the first game. How many more points did she score in the second game

p + 6p = 35 ... p = 5 ... 6p = 30

To find out how many more points Sue scored in the second game, we first need to determine how many points she scored in each game.

Let's assume the number of points Sue scored in the first game is x.

According to the problem, Sue scored 6 times as many points in the second game as the first game. So the number of points she scored in the second game is 6x.

We also know that the total points she scored in two games is 35. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

x + 6x = 35

Combining like terms, we get:

7x = 35

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 7:

x = 5

So Sue scored 5 points in the first game.

To find out how many points she scored in the second game, we substitute the value of x back into the equation:

6x = 6 * 5 = 30

Therefore, Sue scored 30 points in the second game.

Now to find out how many more points she scored in the second game, we subtract the number of points she scored in the first game from the number of points she scored in the second game:

30 - 5 = 25

Sue scored 25 more points in the second game.