Which of the following was the main reason the pharaoh so powerful?

He could punish lawbreakers.

He could set trading laws. ***

He was believed to be a god on Earth.

He could choose a wife from any social class.


What does your text say?

Oh... so then would it be C

Yes, C.


You're welcome.

The main reason why the pharaoh was so powerful was because he could set trading laws (Option B). To understand this answer, it is important to have some background knowledge about ancient Egypt and the role of the pharaoh.

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt were not only political leaders but also religious figures who were believed to be the intermediaries between the gods and the people. They were considered divine rulers, known as "the living Horus," and were believed to possess the power and authority of the gods.

The pharaoh's ability to set trading laws gave him immense control over the economic activities of ancient Egypt. As the ultimate authority, he had the power to regulate and control trade within the kingdom. This meant that the pharaoh could determine which goods could be traded, establish tariffs or taxes on imports and exports, and even control foreign trade relations.

Having control over trade provided several benefits to the pharaoh and the kingdom. It allowed the pharaoh to accumulate wealth and resources, establish economic dominance, and maintain political stability. By regulating trade, the pharaoh could control the flow of goods, ensure the availability of essential resources, and promote economic growth.

Overall, the ability to set trading laws was a crucial aspect of the pharaoh's power, allowing him to exercise control and influence over the economic activities of ancient Egypt, thus contributing to his overall authority and supremacy.