Create an image set in the historical context of Ancient Greece. Include elements such as Greek columns, a traditional amphitheater paired with a registration of a theater performance, an ancient scroll representing literature, and subtle symbols representing the contemporary world. All elements should reflect their historical importance and contemporary relevance without any text.

Which of the following is evidence that ancient Greek literature and theater is still important today? Select all that apply.

Skyler the answers to the unit 2 lesson 9 ancient Greece practice test are:

1) A,B
2) D
3) A
4) A
5) A
6) C
7) D
8) B and D
9) C
10) B, C, D
11) A
12) A, D,E
13) A

100% 13/13 thx Guise

Guise is correct, but just in case they change up the order:

1: Playwrights and filmmakers draw inspiration from them AND children are still read aesops fables to learn morals
2: Athens had a small number of citizens
3: wise men
4: this was a valuable skill in the military
5: the Greek city states of Athens and Sparta were powerful when unified
6: free women in Sparta
7: Aristocrats, small farmers, tenant farmers, metics, and slaves
8: American democracy is representative, well Athenian democracy was direct AND in America woman can vote, but in Athens woman cannot participate in government
9: they believed that gods and goddesses lived in those places
10: Sparta did not trust the Athenian democratic government, athens banned trade with a member of Peloponnesian league, Sparta lead forces that surrounded Athens
11: greece became a part of a larger empire that influenced other cultures
12: establishing great centers of learning, uniting the Greek city-states by force, encouraging trade in Alexandria along the silk road
13: to comment on the characters actions
Have a wonderful day and good luck!

guise is still right 2021

Guise is correct trust me got 100%

but the answers are still correct in 2022 too

2023 still correct


Yoo thanks I got 100

Guise is right

I think it's funny how you didn't get an answer @oreos

dang thanks bruh

@Guise is correct for 2022 as well

Guise is still correct, 2/16/2023

That took a long time I hope it helps!


@guise is still correct for 2023 connexus.

correct for connexus i mean i dunno bout connections academy tho btw im @No One but forgot to change my name

guise is correct in 11/11/2022

:P no help ;w;

Select all ... from what?