six point two times ten raised to the power of four times three point three ten raised to the power of two

can anybody help i'm lost

Is this your question

If it is, first multiply the numbers, then add the exponents, then re-write it in scientific notation (which is a number between 1 and 10)

@Ms Pi_3.14159265358979 thank you so much

Of course! I can help you solve this expression. It looks like you have two numbers written in scientific notation and you need to multiply them together. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Rewrite the numbers without the exponents:
- 6.2 × 10^4
- 3.3 × 10^2

2. Multiply the decimal parts of the numbers:
- 6.2 × 3.3 = 20.46

3. Multiply the powers of 10:
- 10^4 × 10^2 = 10^(4 + 2) = 10^6

4. Combine the results from steps 2 and 3:
- 20.46 × 10^6

5. Rewrite the result in scientific notation:
- 2.046 × 10^7

Therefore, the value of the expression is 2.046 × 10^7.

Remember, when multiplying numbers in scientific notation, you multiply the decimal parts and add the exponents.