If the bearing of P from Q is 145% find the bearing of Q from P

180- 145 = 35

If the bearing of P from Q is145°.Find the bearing of Q from P.

I 8 O - I 4 5=35

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If the bearing of p from q is 145 find the bearing of q from p

To find the bearing of Q from P, we need to subtract the given bearing of P from Q from 180 degrees.

First, let's understand what "bearing" means. In navigation, bearing refers to the direction of one point from another, measured in degrees clockwise from north.

In this case, the bearing of P from Q is given as 145 degrees.

To find the bearing of Q from P, we subtract the given bearing from 180 degrees because the bearing of Q from P is the opposite direction.

180 degrees - 145 degrees = 35 degrees

Therefore, the bearing of Q from P is 35 degrees.