Government in Mexican Texas Quiz U3 L10

2.Which important legislation did Erasmo Seguin help write?
A.Treaty or Cordoba
B.Constitution of 1824
C.The Bill of Rights
D.Plan of Iguala

My answer is B am I correct.


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Yes, your answer is correct. Erasmo Seguin helped write the Constitution of 1824.

To find the answer to this question, you could have followed these steps:
1. Identify the key figure mentioned in the question, which is Erasmo Seguin.
2. Research the contributions or achievements of Erasmo Seguin in relation to Mexican Texas.
3. Look for information about any legislation that Erasmo Seguin played a role in writing.
4. Compare the options given in the question with the information you found.
5. Select the option that matches the legislation Erasmo Seguin helped write, which in this case is the Constitution of 1824.

By going through these steps, you can reach the correct answer and understand the process of finding information to answer a question.