Evaluate the expression when x=10, y=−2, and z=−5


this was cool but did not help me one bit im trying to divide integers and i really need this problem.!!!!!!!!!

Evaluate the expression when x=10, y=−2,

and z=−5

Help meh


This did not help me at all whatsoever

I don't... What?


Actually, I didn't mean that and you can stay on the sight. You only gave feedback and it was 100% honest. I am proud of you for speaking your opinion.


Chu papi munyanyo

Reiny, your a butthead

User with the tag, Don't worry bout my name, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to tell you to get off this site for #1, Not using responses correctly, #2, using inappropriate language and #3, worry about other people's responses through your response. That is what likes and dislikes are for.

just plug it in!

= |10(-5) - (-2)|
= |-50 + 2|
= |-48|
= 48 by definition of |...|