what is the percent reduction or enlargement that will result if the coordinate rule is applied to a figure on a coordinate grid? (2x, 2y)

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To determine the percent reduction or enlargement resulting from applying the coordinate rule (2x, 2y) to a figure on a coordinate grid, we first need to understand how the rule affects the coordinates.

The rule (2x, 2y) means that each x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the original figure will be multiplied by 2. This will result in the figure being stretched or expanded in both the x and y directions.

To calculate the percent reduction or enlargement, we can compare the original measurements of the figure to the new measurements after applying the rule.

Let's assume that the original figure has a length of L units in the x-direction and a height of H units in the y-direction.

After applying the rule (2x, 2y), the length of the figure will become 2L units, and the height will become 2H units.

To determine the percent reduction or enlargement, we can use the following formula:

Percent reduction/enlargement = ((new measurement - original measurement) / original measurement) * 100

In this case, the percent reduction/enlargement of the length would be:

((2L - L) / L) * 100 = (L / L) * 100 = 100%

This means that the length is enlarged by 100%.

Similarly, the percent reduction/enlargement of the height would be:

((2H - H) / H) * 100 = (H / H) * 100 = 100%

This means that the height is also enlarged by 100%.

Therefore, applying the coordinate rule (2x, 2y) to a figure on a coordinate grid will result in a 100% enlargement of both the x and y directions.