What is the correct first step when multiplying mixed numbers?

Change them to decimals or mixed numbers.



The correct first step when multiplying mixed numbers is to convert them into improper fractions. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction.
2. Add the result to the numerator of the fraction.
3. Write the sum over the denominator.

After converting the mixed numbers to improper fractions, you can then multiply them as you would with regular fractions.

Here's an example:
Let's say you have the mixed numbers 2 1/4 and 3 3/5.

Step 1: Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.

For 2 1/4:
- Multiply 2 (whole number) by 4 (denominator of the fraction): 2 * 4 = 8
- Add the result (8) to the numerator (1) of the fraction: 8 + 1 = 9
- Write the sum (9) over the denominator (4): 9/4

For 3 3/5:
- Multiply 3 (whole number) by 5 (denominator of the fraction): 3 * 5 = 15
- Add the result (15) to the numerator (3) of the fraction: 15 + 3 = 18
- Write the sum (18) over the denominator (5): 18/5

Now that you have converted the mixed numbers to improper fractions, you can multiply them by multiplying the numerators together, and the denominators together.

(9/4) * (18/5) = (9 * 18) / (4 * 5) = 162/20

So, the first step in multiplying mixed numbers is to convert them to improper fractions.