I am wondering how to say bored in French, google translate says ennuyé, but that is wrong, ennuyé means more bothered. Does anyone have better translation?

The collins dictionary says:

I was bored= Je m’ennuyais.


We don't have a French tutor anymore. Sorry.

To find a more accurate translation of "bored" in French, you can use alternative language resources such as bilingual dictionaries or language-specific websites. One widely used resource is WordReference.com, which provides reliable translations and detailed explanations.

To use WordReference.com, follow these steps:

1. Visit the WordReference website (www.wordreference.com).
2. Select "English-French" from the language options at the top right corner of the page.
3. Type "bored" into the search bar and press Enter.

WordReference will display several translations for the word "bored" depending on the context. In this case, "bored" can be translated into French as "ennuyé," "lassé," or "s'ennuyer."

Keep in mind that translation often depends on context, so the most appropriate word may vary depending on the specific meaning and usage you have in mind.