a subway ride for a student costs $1.25. a monthly pass costs $35.

a. write an inequality that represents the number of times you must ride the subway for the monthly pass to be a better deal.
b. you ride the subway about 45 times per month. should you buy the monthly pass? explain.

a. To write an inequality that represents the number of times you must ride the subway for the monthly pass to be a better deal, let's assume x represents the number of subway rides in a month.

The cost of x subway rides individually would be 1.25x dollars.
The cost of a monthly pass is a flat rate of $35.

To find the break-even point, we need to set up an inequality where the cost of x rides is greater than the cost of the monthly pass.

Therefore, the inequality would be:
1.25x > 35

b. Now, let's evaluate if you should buy the monthly pass based on your average of 45 rides per month.

Substituting x = 45 into the inequality:
1.25(45) > 35
56.25 > 35

Since 56.25 is greater than 35, this means the cost of 45 individual rides is more than the price of the monthly pass.

Therefore, if you ride the subway about 45 times per month, it is more cost-effective for you to purchase the monthly pass.

a. 1.25x > 35.

X > 28 rides.

b. Yes. If the student rides the subway more than 28 times per month, the monthly pass will be the best deal.

a) calculate the amount of money you will have to spend in total from each ride and then compare it to the $35 for the pass. Then write your inequality using the answers you get.

b) figure out how much money it will cost for 45 rides in total if each ride is 1.25. The calculation is really easy. Then compare your answer to the pass which is 35$, whichever is less is the option you should go with because it will be cheaper.

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