a) Mammals have hair or fur. The blue whale is a mammal but what is its body covering?

b) Blue whales give birth to live young, right?
Please help. Thanks.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Baleen.jpg Blue whales have baleen, and in the picture, hairlike structures are there.

blue whales give live birth.

a) Mammals typically have hair or fur as their body covering. However, the blue whale is a bit of an exception. Despite being a mammal, blue whales do not have hair or fur. Instead, their bodies are covered with a layer of thick, oily skin called blubber. Blubber helps the blue whale to stay insulated and regulate its body temperature in the cold oceanic waters.

b) Yes, you are correct. Blue whales give birth to live young, just like other mammals. They are a species of whale called "cetaceans," which includes both toothed whales and baleen whales. Blue whales are baleen whales, which means they have baleen plates in their mouths instead of teeth. They use these baleen plates to filter out tiny shrimp-like animals called krill, which is their primary food source. When a female blue whale becomes pregnant, she carries her developing calf inside her body until it is ready to be born. The gestation period for a blue whale typically lasts about 10 to 12 months, and then the female gives birth to a single live calf.